
Traffic flow modeling

Development of transport flow models for the existing situation and perspective scenarios in 2D and 3D view, based on the determined data of traffic intensity, road network geometry and technical means of traffic organization. Development of explanatory description.

Optimization of traffic light cycles

Optimization of traffic light cycles based on the existing and prospective traffic intensity with the aim of reducing the waiting time at a regulated intersection, as well as increasing its capacity.                                                           

Determination of intensity

Inventory of existing traffic, pedestrian and cyclist intensity and calculation of prospective intensity at regulated and non-regulated intersections.                                                                                                                                                         

Traffic flow optimization

Development of recommendations to eliminate congestion and increase the throughput capacity of nodes using traffic flow modeling.

Development of evaluations

Development of assessments of road network connections required by VSIA "Latvijas Valsts ceļi".                                       

Intersection safety audit

Calculation and evaluation of the traffic safety level of road junctions.                                                                        


  • SIA "GP Solutions"
  • Registration number: 40203408394
  • VAT payer number: LV40203408394
  • Bank: AS "Swedbank", SWIFT: HABALV22, account: LV80HABA0551052851840


  • Phone: +371 29119521
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Legal address: "Brīviņi", Voverova, Cirmas parish, Ludza district, LV-5735
  • Actual address: Rīgas iela 16, Rēzekne, LV-4601